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As a secondary teacher I was forever saying - there are other books you know! And recommending other stuff to read. I’m pretty sure some of the heat of the debate about J K Rowling as ‘TERF-in-chief’ comes from those who remember their immersion in the Harry Potter series fondly as being just about the only books they enjoyed reading, so now they feel betrayed by 'mummy' and are kicking at her like teenagers always do.
Which is not to belittle the impact of this debate.
It’s a toxic debate - with direct threats of violence, rape and book burning from one side, balanced against what, poorly chosen words, at worst, on the other?
And, btw, the continual use of ‘TERF’ as a term of abuse is giving ‘radical feminism’ more publicity than it has ever had. Those frightened and upset by the trans rights activists’ pile-ons are thinking that maybe radical feminists are the ones to turn to, if they’re the focus of attack. Only follow this link if you’ve got a strong stomach, more of which below.
JK’s piece is calm and well-argued, but unfortunately a certain type of trans rights activist has got themselves up into such a state that they "refuse to read a rich white woman who erases transwomen" - so what do you do when people won’t even consider all sides of an argument? This does trans people no favours.